Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Change is good

I'm slowly changing certain of this blog's aspects.
When i started, it was with the purpose of documenting my efforts with photo-poetry and hopefully, seeing some sort of progression or improvement in my works as I soldier on with it. So, the look of the blog was secondary, to publishing the works online. Thus, the amateur-ishly simplistic presentation *blush*

Since joining an online poetry forum called Dead Poet's Society, however, I've reviewed my "get it off the chest and get it down on paper" style of cathartic-poetry and am trying to be more careful with applying the high standards that fellow poets/writers at DPS themselves exercise with their art.
Its hard, to be so exacting with words, or to come up with a never-before-heard of metaphor or way to describe something.
Or to argue with my head over whether I'm putting across new ideas, or new ways of thinking about something ordinary or if its simply trite and rubbish I'm recording into my hard disk.

So, that's how the title of my blog changed into "Words Collective".
It explains, i hope, how i love words and the act of collecting them, and then arranging and showcasing them in new light. Also, in a collection of words, there is a story, a greater depth of meaning.

Peebrain from DPS recommended Cyril Wong's works to me recently, and I'm so thankful to her for the recommendation. His website features lovely poems. One love poem, in particular, made me catch my breath in wonderment when i read it.
So, in case you have not read him, please invite yourself to : (Cyrl Walks In Uninvited) . Enjoy the lovely moments there, and do drop a note of appreciation to the writer if you enjoy his works. It makes every writer's day :)


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