Hari Raya Springclean clearance sale :)

Dear friends,
I'm updating this page as we go along so do check back now and then. Many of these items are preloved but some are brand new. I'm selling because I really need the space to make way for other baby items in the baby room. Because the condition of the items are still very good or mint (bought for baby who is now 7 mths), I'd rather recycle and sell to others who need it, than throw away.
Please email to justme@fazidah.com for items you're keen on. All items to be self collect in Tampines. Proceeds from this sale will go back to Baby Hilal's education fund :))))
Tks for dropping by!

Safety 1st Exersaucer. Selling $90 (SOLD TO A NICE MUMMY)
Moms In Mind sateen sling -RRP: $69. SELLING: $19 (SOLD)
Fisher Price Miracles & Milestones, Pop & Play mat.
Retailing $129. Selling : $40. Purchased in Mar 09. V gd condition, bright colours,no stains, tear or smell, all toys and sounds working perfectly.
White baby cot (47 x 28 inches). Selling $70 without mattress. Baby also not included! :P) --(SOLD TO NICE FAMILY :))
Tiny Love Symphony-In-Motion cot musical mobile (with box). Retails $140. One of the best quality and most preferred cot mobiles. Mobile goes round and round and 'dances' up and down, my baby finds this fascinating even though he plays with it everyday. Item is less than 6 mths old. Plays 3 songs - Beethoven, Mozart and Bach.
Selling $55 or closest offer.
Baby Bjorn Carrier (Model Air, Grey) . - RRP: $198. SELLING: $100 (SOLD)
POLO RL baby romper. Suitable for up to 3 mths. Very cute. SELLING: $10
A set of 2 rompers (Mothercare). Suitable for up to 3 mths. Used less than 3 times, baby has too many clothes. Selling both together for $9.
A set of 2 t-shirts (Mothercare). Suitable for up to 3 mths. Colours turquoise and orange. Selling both together for $9.50
A set of 2 rompers (Mothercare). Suitable for up to 3 mths.Used less than 3 times, baby has too many clothes. Selling both together for $9.
For newborns to toddlers, this hardcover black and white book is perfect as the illustrations are clear, clean and simple enough for baby eyes to focus on. The small size also makes it easy for baby hands to grip. This book is in mint condition. RRP: $25. SELLING: $13
Milk formula container by JAPLO. New but box thrown away. Never used as we have too many. SELLING: $2.50
Brand new Nuby brand microwaveable bowl with seal-tight lid. SELLING: $5
Preloved Baby shoes. Suitable for up to 4 mths. SELLING: $5
Lindam brand bottle /food warmer. Mint condition. Purchased at Tangs in Feb 09. RRP: $49. SELLING: $22
Avent bottles 125ml anti-colic bottles. $3 each
Infantino Baby Wrist rattles (frog and chick). Used about 3 times, baby can't wear as its abit tight on his wrist. Suitable for smaller babies up to 4 mths. RRP: $9.50 SELLING: $3.50
Diaper holder (white colour). Used for 5 mths. Purchased $15. SELLING : $6
Calvin Klein romper. Suitable up to 3 mths. Mint condition. Only worn twice as baby got too many clothes. SELLING $11
Bonds Australian brand baby bodysuit. Suitable up to 4 mths.I loved this bodysuit w its comfy material and baby looked so cute in it but unfortunately could only wear twice since he grew quite fast and can no longer fit. SELLING: $13
Baby bathrobe. Suitable until 12 mths. Selling as I have too many. SELLING: $13
Bumbo chair w tray (in box). Colour LILAC as shown on box, pls see image. SELLING: $50 (RESERVED FOR MUMMY UNTIL 17 OCT)
Baby Playmat with air-filled sidewall bumpers. RRP: $49. SELLING: $20 (SOLD)
OTHER ITEMS FOR SALE (I'll post pix soon):
- Mothercare rompers (up to 3 mths) . $5 each
- Carters rompers
'I'll sleep when I'm good and ready'
'Super Baby'
'What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's') $4 each
- Jack and Janie bucket hat. $4
Avent bottles microwave sterilizer. $50
Oh neat...the expiring poet is holding a garage sale!!!
Hope things are good with you.
Hey man...yeah, garage sale or i'll drive myself nuts banging into baby stuff every few minutes! Singapore houses are that tiny!!
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Товарищи, ну сколько можно уже праздновать!? Уже как-то голова кругом идёт от этих праздников, наверное на самом деле нужно было куда-нибудь ехать, а не ваньку валять все 10 дней. Уже просто не знаю чем себя занять - дома прибралась, отмыла и отчистила всё что только возможно, отметили с нашей шумной компанией Хэппи Нью Еар, отошли от его отмечания, доели и допили всё, что осталось от новогодней пьян.. ночи :) Отошли от доедания и допивания, выбрались на природу, на шашлыки, покатались на горных лыжах, сходили в боулинг, в кинотеатре поглядели Чёрную Молнию, покатались с горок на ватрушках, в гости к родителям съездила. Сегодня утром проснулась и поняла, что впереди ещё пять дней отдыха. Чем заняться ещё, уже ума не приложу. Кто вообще чем занимается в этот мини-отпуск, поделитесь со мной идеями.
ЗЫ И правда говорят, что десять дней отдыха - это удар, но не только по экономике страны, но и про нам самим)))
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