Thursday, July 06, 2006

Stupid people

Last night, I was jogging at the track flanking the big monsoon drain alongside my house and i saw in the distance, a black kitten lying motionless by the drain. A middle-aged woman (on her handphone) came along and I saw her slowing down and prodding the kitten with the snub of her toe. It didn't move. While I was wondering what in the world she was doing, she pushed the kitten with her foot and the thing went rolling effortlessly into the drain. I suppose it was dead. But why the hell did she do that for? What if the kitten wasn't dead but merely fainted??? Do cats faint? I dont know, but I was damn annoyed that she couldn't have just let it be, at least give it a proper check before she condemn the poor small thing to the drain? I went to check but the drain was so dark that I couldnt see a thing.

I'm still annoyed. And while she was doing that, she was on the phone, talking! I should have just interrupted her and asked if she had confirmed the kitten was dead. I hate stupid people!


Blogger gautami tripathy said...

I know what you mean!

10:43 PM  

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