Thursday, March 30, 2006

I WON!!! I WON!!!

well, this post is quite late in the day...i submitted a photo at for the "Clash of the Pixels" Photo contest.

The theme was "Shadows".
I'd originally wanted to do a monochromatic shot of a wayang kulit puppet shadow being cast onto a face profile of a man.
The man's face would be the background, where typically the shadow of the puppet would be cast on walls. I thought that would have given it a more unusual perspective and depth. But time was a constraint so in the end i settled for borrowing Abbas's twins instead, wanting to use the twins as a metaphor for shadow and also displaying their shadow - thus showing the double meanings in my portrait.

The prize is a $30 book voucher at kinokuniya...I've already thought what i'll get...either a Nabokov or Kafka. So excited thinking about this shopping trip already!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Photo-Poetry: Writer's Block (25 Mar 2006)

I started feeling the urge to write "something" around 5pm earlier in the day. just a sudden feeling of desperation to get something out - a kind of writing withdrawal symptom, you could call it. But somehow the ideas on what to write just wouldnt come, no matter how hard i tried to pin down certain objects or ideas or concepts. In the end i gave up and wrote abt my writer's angst instead. It didnt turn out too badly, i think..the photos i took after the poem was out...its shots of my iBook and the background is my BED :)

Photo-Poetry: Pak Hermit/Mr Hermit Crab (24 Mar 2006)

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Photo-Poetry: Spinning (24 Mar 2006)

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