Sailor, my diabetic old cat

Recently, i have not had time to blog so much partly due to the health of my oldest cat, sailor. He was diagnosed with diabetes sometime in May this year and since then, has required twice daily insulin injections and alot of grooming as he no longer has so much energy to clean himself. Although he looks nothing like the bright-eyed, fluffy cat he used to be, sailor still has a lot of life still in him, and for that we're grateful and hope he'll stick around for a few years longer.
Sailor's diabetes has made injection-phobic me a braver person. I was horrified when the vet said we had to administer the insulin for him. I still hate needles but I can perform the injections without jabbing myself too badly in the process now.
The saddest thing about his condition is the significant loss of weight and muscle mass. He's literally a bag of bones now despite my efforts to feed him more protein. Sailor loves his daily walks and appreciates relaxing by the koi pond in the gardens outside, he's really a very gentle and loving 'senior citizen'. But now I'm careful to bring him out only at night becos I hate seeing the looks some people give him. Its understandable to get such a reaction as he resembles a cat that's been severely flattened sideways. I just wish people can be more compassionate sometimes.
Labels: cats