Last night was spent hanging out with some folks at a coffeeshop.
Before that, bumped into Mengster, Fanxi, Francois & Romain at Holland Village.
Considered the group's offer of swimming/ jacuzzi at Francois's but decided nah; its not a good day to offer my rolls of fats up for public display and consumption, especially with Fanxi there; she spoils the market with her bod.
Fanxi has fruits for dinner and swimming after. I have one big dinner and 2 suppers after.
Conclusion: Fazi is a pig, but an extremely happy one!
At the coffeeshop, one of the guys was experiencing post-traumatic breakup.
The 3 other guys were concerned but refused to bring up the topic to him. Someone commented that the onus is on the heart-break-ee to confess he is in need of support, before they jump in to help.
Its strange, i'm not aware until then that there are proper protocols to observe in male friendship. In female friendship, typically friends would ask the other- are you okay? and rally support.
Anyway, the male response left me with some nagging questions. Which response is more correct? Which response is more sensitive?
i still dont know. But i know it felt strange to be sitting in close proximity with someone who's suffering and pretending i am not aware he's drowning in the deepest depths of heartbreak hell.
And i wonder if in a situation where the person with the problem is too shy to confess his problem, and his friends are too polite to ask if there is a problem - wouldn't there exist a yawning void in between the two, with no connection possibly for infinity?
And that makes me sad.